Wednesday, February 15, 2012

cupid day

Who says I cant have a decent valentines day? Today rite after class I saw the prettiest pink flower ever growin the first of a batch <3 just got out of class and work interview now on my way to the city to enjoy this beautiful day and go on a date! :D Oh and on another note I have received like 3 or four mix cds by far my fave one is one I received yesterday [monday]… 11pm,why am i blogging this Jannys epic awesome valentines day xD i had the best awesome valentines day ever :D the memories chillin in a cafe sweet nothings, whispers and laughs harmonious, quiet and sounds talking for hourss The cranberries playing in the background of the speaker free coffee le sushi at sushi restaurant glasses of chardonnay cupid in the air :3 gazing into each others eyes fascination tons of sparks <3 <3 miracles happen lol dam you cupid xD

Monday, February 13, 2012